I want to share some pictures of my classroom. I've spent a lot of time on Pinterest this summer and have found all sorts of ideas for how I can freshen up my classroom decor. First I'll show you what the room looked like when I arrived at the end of August. The walls were all painted so everything was down and the room was looking very blah!

After just three long days, the room was looking much better and ready for the students! Here's a tour:
Here's the front of the room. I just love the black background and gingham border around my alphabet letters and numbers. I made the letters and numbers last year but never really liked them on the plain wall. Now they really stand out on black poster board. It's hard to notice, but check out the red chair by the computer in the front. That used to be a really ugly yellow color. My dad spray painted it red for me and it looks brand new! It's awesome!! I covered both of my bulletin boards with black fabric and used matching borders of red and white polka dots and plain white. Here's a closer look at it.
I made the "Centers" pennant and the little signs with the bears using graphics from MyCuteGraphics.com. I put velcro on the back of each bear and move them each day so the students know what center to go to. I write the names on the bear signs using dry erase marker so I can change groups throughout the year.
Above the centers bulletin board is Officer Bear of the Writing Patrol and above the sink area is the Rule Breaker Jail that I bought last year from TPT.
Everyday Math has a million and one signs you need for your calendar area. I redid most of mine to fit the new color scheme of the room. You can see some of my book boxes. I remade the labels with cute gingham backgrounds and bears, of course!
My second bulletin board is for "Beary Good Writing." There is a writing checklist sign at the top and the writing rubric down at the bottom. Student work will be displayed in the middle.
Here's the area near my door. I have the lunch sticks on the shelf by the door and my Word Wall on my cabinet. The poster above the shelf is for birthdays.
I hang my Fundations posters above the cubbies along with Painter Bear. He's "Brushing Up On Fundations"
The Super Bear area will display great center work assignments. The Cowboy Bears are "Rounding Up Good Work" and this area will display student work. The overalls are for my job helpers and the bear chart on the door keeps track of how many prizes the students have won for their good behavior.
I have my mailboxes and traffic light on the windowsill area. My white board easel is in the corner. The apple will hold the new spelling and vocabulary word cards. Next to my Mimio screen is my teddy themed behavior clip chart. The bear on the wall by the windows is there to dress up the giant, ugly poster of common core standards that I have to display. My listening center cart is over by the windows and gets rolled to the front of the room at center time. I still need to jazz that up a bit!
I hope that you enjoyed this little tour around The Teddy Bear Classroom!